PressTV report on Al Quds Day protest in Sydney.
Notice how the reporter quotes organizes as saying the protest was a “peaceful demonstration against the Israeli occupation of Palestine with no ill intent towards any Jewish people.” Try reconcile that with the Hizbullah flag at 0:35.
It is clear why the organizers were careful to make this claim. And why it is complete bollocks.
THE NSW and federal governments have laid down the law to pro-Palestinian activists planning an anti-Israel protest today, warning that any racial vilification could lead to criminal prosecution
The move followed the revelation by The Australian yesterday that the website promoting the Al-Quds Day rally in Sydney contains graphic videos alleging severe Israeli persecution of Palestinians, and for the destruction of the Jewish state.
Al-Quds Day, first proclaimed by Iranian revolution leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomenei in 1979 as a day of international condemnation of Israel and in favour of the Palestinian cause, has been marked with fiery protest rallies in Iran each year and in many western cities.
But today’s rally in Sydney, whose participants will march to the US consulate, marks the first commemoration of Al-Quds Day in Australia.
The website promoting the event shows videos replaying news reports of Israeli attacks on Palestinians, wounded men, women and children, and simulated bullets fired in their direction.
…One video, which appears to have been produced by the Australian committee itself, includes Khomeini’s emblematic line when he founded Al-Quds Day: “We must all rise, destroy Israel and replace it with the heroic Palestinian nation.”
Asked to comment on the rally and the website, federal Attorney General Nicola Roxon’s spokesman said that in Australia “the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly are fundamental human rights”, but added “such rights are not absolute and carry duties and responsibilities.”
“The Australian Government strongly condemns offensive behaviour based on racial hatred. Such behaviour is unlawful under section 18C of the Commonwealth Racial Discrimination Act 1975.”
A spokesman for NSW Attorney General Greg Smith said: “In NSW it is generally against the law to vilify people because of their: race, colour, nationality, descent, ethnic, ethno-religious or national origin.
“NSW anti-discrimination law defines vilification as a public act that could incite or encourage hatred, serious contempt or severe ridicule towards people because of the aforementioned characteristics. The law covers public acts which includes speeches at rallies and material on websites.”
Funnily enough, this is the image that greets you when you first visit the Press TV site page for the report on the Sydney march.