Stephen Hawking’s announced boycott of the Israeli President’s Conference to be held June in Jerusalem, Israel, has unleashed a slew of media and blog responses.
Always with good news, Good News from Israel has recently published a winner blog post.
For BDS, there is so much more than Israeli cell phone technology.
I liked this one enough to ask permission to repost here at IsraellyCool:
Dear BDS member.
By boycotting Israeli treatments and research you will cause the deaths of millions of children from Hepatitis B because they couldn’t have SciGen’s Sci-B-Vac only third-generation Hep B virus vaccine. You would have to destroy the research by Hadassah Medical Organization that located the gene that causes recurrent life-threatening infections and bone marrow failure in children. The babies born deformed and blind from ectodermal dysplasia cannot touch the gene therapy that Israel’s Technion has developed. Children paralysed by the genetic brain disease Peripheral Neuropathy will just have to whistle for the medication developed by doctors at Hadassah Medical Center – except of course that they can’t whistle.
BDS members obviously have no wish to cure cancer.