Our esteemed Prime Minister – Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu (Bibi to most of us) – has a habit of going out half cocked. Especially when it comes to his favorite subject – The Islamic Republic of Iran. In a recent interview with the Persian version of BBC he stated:
“I think if the Iranian people had freedom, they would wear jeans, listen to Western music, and have free elections,”
While its certainly easy to agree with the sentiment of this statement (although I’m not sure if the freedom to listen to Miley Cyrus or One Direction is really in their best interests) the fact is that Iranians can and do wear jeans. Its not clear whether they’re Levis or Wranglers (maybe True Religion?), but apparently denim is widely available and no fatwa exists banning the making of denim into pants.
After Bibi’s faux pas it seems dozens of Iranians leaped into action on Twiiter (which is ironically banned in Iran), giving Bibi a piece of their minds:
“Mr. Netanyahu, here is a shop selling weapons of mass destruction in Iran,” one popular tweet read, showing a picture of a denim shop originally published by an Iranian semi-official news agency. “Netanyahu, three days ago I bought a pair of jeans,” another Iranian user tweeted.
Come on Bibi!!! Get with the program!!! Even Ahmadinejad supporters wear jeans!!
In fact, in another Israellycool exclusive, we’ve discovered that their new President – Hassan “Laughing Boy” Rouhani – did some modelling for an Iranian Jeans company before becoming president, and here are some snaps from one such modelling session.
Remember, we brought it to you first!