When they’re not busy parading on Fathi Shqaqi’s 18th deathniversary.. er, scrap that.
While celebrating Fathi Shqaqi’s 18 deathniversary, Islamic Jihad, like Hamas, like the show of force in their tricked out chromed tipped pick-up trucks.

Then there’s this.

Spot anything wrong with the image?

Unless they are trying to shoot something that’s 2 feet away, I would suggest this PIJami flip the direction of his scope, as he put it on the wrong way round – back to front. This is how a scope should be on a sniper rifle of that kind:

And yes, that is indeed an Iranian “Sayyad”, a Steyr HS .05 anti material sniper rifle knock-off. Gee, I wonder where they got them from.