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I was depressed. The news this week which we all followed so closely was not good.

Today after meeting  the families of Eyal Yifrach, Naftali Frankel and Gilad Shaar and hearing about their experiences over the past days, President Shimon Peres said

The leaders of the world must make their voices heard loud and clear, they must take a strong stance against terror. Terror is a global problem, not just an Israeli one – we must recruit the world.”

Then he told the families that he will raise the same demand during his visit to the United States next week,

“The world is not yet recruited; during my conversations with President Obama and the leaders of the US Congress I will raise the cry of the people of Israel against terrorism, both in private and in public.

And we must call out, so that the children in countries which foster terrorism know that it is a disaster for them as well.”

Meanwhile, in NYC, they talk of the”‘human side of terror,” while there will be no live international broadcast, at the MET the Klinghoffer opera show will go on.

image Jerusalem Light Festival

It was a long week.

Posting a video from the Jerusalem Light Festival seems like light years ago.

It was before so much had to do with terror and photos.

image Arabs in jerusalem, photo Israel oppressors

At the festival I walked alone in the crowd to Damascus Gate.

image Jerusalem light festival crowd, Israel apartheid

I confess standing in the mostly Arab crowd, I was glad to find City Councilman Aryeh King standing next to me while I took that video.

image Palestinian in AlQuds

None of the people watching the performers outside the walls of the Old City at the Light Festival seem to have a care.

image Palestinian boys israel

I especially like this photo taken in the Christian Quarter of two young Arab boys.

image Arab women, photo israel

And this one of a woman dressed in a burka taking photos in the crowd at Jaffa Gate .

237ic taking photos at Jerusalem ligth festival ARab family

This young family was inside the huge structure outside of Jaffa Gate taking pictures,

218ic three people taking a selfie at the Jerusalem Light FEstival

as was this trio trying to find the best angle to take a selfie.

And while those anti-Israel folks are faking photos of violent oppressive Israelis,

image Arab girls, photo Arab girl

here is another photo of real Arab girls out for the night in Jerusalem.

image Palestinian women, photo Arab women, picture Arab gilrs

Not all were at the Light Festival, but as usual Arab girls were strolling in Mamilla Mall.

Wonder if these photos will share as fast as the fake one?

image wedding guests. Israeli wedding

Then  I attended a wedding, in the beautiful Judean Hills at sunset. A wedding of two lone soldiers, he was from US and she was from Canada, their friends from all over the world gathered to celebrate with them.

That is what keeps us going.

That is the future.

?? ????? ??

About the author

Picture of Real Jstreets

Real Jstreets

I lived in the United States, Canada and Australia before moving to Israel in the midst of the Second Lebanon War. For the last ten years, walking the streets of Jerusalem, the scenes I saw every day did not resemble the ones familiar in the Western media. Now I try to share those positive images with the world, what is really happening in Jerusalem, Israel, The Real Jerusalem Streets
Picture of Real Jstreets

Real Jstreets

I lived in the United States, Canada and Australia before moving to Israel in the midst of the Second Lebanon War. For the last ten years, walking the streets of Jerusalem, the scenes I saw every day did not resemble the ones familiar in the Western media. Now I try to share those positive images with the world, what is really happening in Jerusalem, Israel, The Real Jerusalem Streets
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