Regular readers would know I’m a big fan of Muhammad Zoabi, a young Arab-Israeli whose pride and support for his country are something even most Jewish Israelis could learn from.
He gets that from his wonderful mother Sarah, who has just appeared on the Israeli version of MasterChef – already known for its “apartheid”.
Here’s the video. We will hopefully have it with English subtitles, but suffice for now to say that Sarah sings the praises of Israel. Big time.
For those who have trouble with the Hebrew, this is text of what Sara Zuabi had to say:
My name is Sara Zuabi, Arab, Muslim, Israeli, proud Zionist
from Nazrat Ilit (upper Nazereth)
Chaim Cohen: you said Arab, Muslim, Israeli, proud Zionist – explain please..
Sara: I’m Arab, I’m Muslim, Zionist – for I believe in the right of the Jewish people to have their own country, which is the state of Israel, the holy land.
I’m sure that the people who hear me will say: “what, have you lost your mind? How can you say you are a Zionist?”
I want to say to all the Arabs of Israel (Israeli Arabs) to wake up. We live in paradise. Comparing us to other countries, to Arab countries – we live in paradise.
I, personally, don’t have another state and I don’t have another flag. With all due respect to my nation (meaning arab, muslim), it doesn’t mean its treason. I never harmed any one…
Eyal Shani: Where is the place of you nation in this paradise?
Sara: Which place is better than Israel? Tell me.. can I do in another country what I do here? I am certain, not 1 percent, not 1 percent but 100 percent of the Israeli Arabs, if you tell them: “come, we will put you in the ????? (behind the green line, meaning out of Israel, where Palis live), we will give you their citizenship” – no one will agree. That’s what I believe. It will cost me, I know that. Same way it cost my son. I’m the mother of the Arab boy, Muhamad Zuabi, who’s life was threatened and wanted to kill him for his opinions.
Chaim Cohen: Who posted online his support of Israel during Zuk Eitan?
Sara: Yes, yes