Justin Amler is obsessed with Israeli pickles, Justin has used that knowledge in order to blog about Israel and the Jewish world. He gains great pleasure when his blogs are read by more than just his mother. He has previously written about South Africa on Israellycool.
History is never in the past, because it looks like the Spanish Inquisition is making a comeback at the Sunsplash Rototom Reggae Festival, where the Jewish-American musician Matisyahu, under pressure from the BDS movement, was barred from the festival after he wouldn’t sign a declaration against Zionism and Israel.
But…but…but I thought the BDS was only against Israel and only against the occupation and only against Israeli pickles, but alas – it looks like I was wrong. It seems the BDS don’t really like the Joooooooooos – or at least the bad Jews – you know the ones that are like pro-Israel and all that stuff!
But alas, the rhythm of Jewish reggae will not be heard in the coastal town of Benicàssim this week, but fear not for those who are disappointed. I’m sure the traditional BDS sounds of intimidation and stupidity will be blaring loudly and proudly – where the festival will aim to make fascism funky once again!
But before we go knocking this festival, it’s important to highlight that on their website itself, it says they are there to promote a culture of peace. They say that “promoting peace, equality, human rights and social justice has been a constant for us since our beginnings as a festival in 1994.”
Oh my goodness, I’m getting all teary now… where are those tissues?
Oh wait a second – what’s this small print I see…
No views other than ours are accepted.
You must be anti-Semitic.
No Jews allowed.
No Israeli inventions are permitted except mobile phones, computers, medical equipment…
Only official keffiye patterned underwear allowed – where a small percentage of the sales price goes to the Abbas family.
But in light of Matisyahu’s failure to make a declaration selling out his own people, I’d like to make some of my own declarations instead, even though I’m not famous and no one actually gives a toss what I think!
I declare that the chocolates I polished off in the cupboard the other day were for… medicinal purposes only… yes… that’s it.
I also declare that there is nothing wrong with a yellow shirt – except maybe with pink pants.
I declare that the pain I’m feeling in my stomach is not for Palestine, but more likely from my intestine, because I so knew I shouldn’t have had that ice-cream right before bed!
I declare that the BDS movement is a racist, disgusting, fascist, godless, spineless bunch of hypocrites who dress funny and wear pants that are too big for them.
I declare that the Sunsplash Rototom Reggae Festival is also a racist, disgusting, hypocritical, fascist, spineless, Matisyahu-less collection of political wannabees.
I declare that I don’t know who is worse – the BDS fascists or the spineless festival organisers.
Did I say all that out loud?
And finally, I declare that I am a proud supporter of Israel, a country that does more for this world we live in than any silly festival that makes bold statements about promoting peace and equality on the one hand, but practices absolute racism and intolerance on the other.
Now, if someone can please tell me the details of the Spanish music festival organisers, I know exactly where to put this declaration…