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Again? Again! Another day, another death, another funeral, another stabbing.

I saw the Facebook post minutes after Richard Lakin’s son wrote of his father’s passing:

He was butchered by Muslim terrorists who shot him in the head and stabbed him multiple times during an attack on Bus 78 in Jerusalem’s Armon Hanatziv neighborhood. After the attack Dad was rushed to Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital in Jerusalem where the incredible medical staff worked diligently around the clock for two weeks trying to save his life, but, alas, his injuries were too severe. Dad was unconscious and anesthetized during the entire two weeks, so he felt no pain. This morning, with his family around him he faded gently into a permanent sleep and we kissed him goodbye.

It was the next part,

Dad was a kind, gentle loving person whose legacy is “acts of kindness”. Dad’s basic views as expressed on his website were:
• every child is a miracle
• kindness and positivism are contagious
• empowerment frees people to realize their potential
• parenting and teaching are acts of love
• schools must be caring learning communities where pluralism and opportunities for choice abound.

that made me think of Dr. Shmuel Gillis z”l.

Dr Gillis was a senior hematologist at Hadassah Hospital. He treated hundreds of Arab patients regularly. He was murdered by terrorists, from their passing car firing at him with automatic weapons. On February 1, 2001, Dr Gillis was hit by 11 bullets and died on the road, not far from his home in Gush Etzion.

Both men were “randomly” killed. Both men worked to help the very people who took their lives. How much crazier could that be?

True to their motto of balanced reporting, AP has published their story of Richard Lakin’s z”l death.

photo of US-Israeli peace activist killed by terrotist

The current round of violence began in mid-September, triggered in part by heated disputes over the Jerusalem shrine…

The hilltop compound in Jerusalem’s Old City is revered by Jews as the Temple Mount, site of the two Jewish biblical Temples. It is the holiest site in Judaism. Known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary, it houses the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the gold-topped Dome of the Rock. It is the third-holiest site in Islam after Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia.

Under decades-old arrangements, Jews are allowed to visit, but not to pray at the shrine.

The number of Jewish visitors to the site has risen in the past five years, while several leading Israeli politicians and groups have made statements demanding prayers at the site.

Finally some of the “facts” are straight. Mentioning the Temple Mount was site of Jewish Temples and the holiest site in Judaism is fine.  As for heated disputes, it was the firebombs and stones from Muslims in Al-Aqsa Mosque that “heated” the situation.

Last year 3.5 million Muslims had access to Temple Mount.

While 12,000 Jews were permitted up last year at very restricted times.

Jews are not allowed to pray, or even take a sip of water.

That is hardly a flood of visitors or “storming” which is used by Arab media to incite Muslim masses. There are some who think that Jews should be allowed to pray near their holiest site. But, PM Benjamin Netanyahu has repeated endless times that Israel will maintain the “status quo” which is – no Jews are allowed to pray.

There is “no current round of violence.” There is same old incitement of Arab leaders, incitement to kill.

Kill anyone, even those who are trying to help you.

What makes anyone want to stab a woman in the back at a shopping center? There can be no excuses.

Today it got closer to home. We shop in the Gush Etzion Rami Levy store and other stores in the area. Like so many others today, I sent a message to my daughter, “Hi” and she responded, “We are fine.”

Ok, I wrote back. But it is not ok.

I am always aware when out walking, it used to be to get a good shot, the photo kind of course. Now everyone is looking to see where the next random blade will come from and be thrust.

When will murder and terror stop being acceptable and “balanced” in the media?

Richard Lakin’s funeral was another funeral in long list.

The woman got the knife removed from her body.

How can this be? How can this be explained away?

No, this is not resistance.

This is insanity.



About the author

Picture of Real Jstreets

Real Jstreets

I lived in the United States, Canada and Australia before moving to Israel in the midst of the Second Lebanon War. For the last ten years, walking the streets of Jerusalem, the scenes I saw every day did not resemble the ones familiar in the Western media. Now I try to share those positive images with the world, what is really happening in Jerusalem, Israel, The Real Jerusalem Streets
Picture of Real Jstreets

Real Jstreets

I lived in the United States, Canada and Australia before moving to Israel in the midst of the Second Lebanon War. For the last ten years, walking the streets of Jerusalem, the scenes I saw every day did not resemble the ones familiar in the Western media. Now I try to share those positive images with the world, what is really happening in Jerusalem, Israel, The Real Jerusalem Streets
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