Of course I knew when I tweeted that, blaming Israel, settlements and the lack of a so called “peace process” would be a popular pastime.
This post sets out to list the prominent and notable asshats who make public statements to the effect that the widespread death and destruction in Paris over the last few days occurred because Israel has refused to surrender and die in the face of Palestinian demands. Remember, of course, Israel has made every possible gesture for peace. Palestinians have rejected everything that doesn’t look like the end of Jewish Israel.
I suspect this post will be updated.
Swedish Minister of Foreign Affiars, Margot Wallström, on Swedish TV SVT2 around 12 hours after the Paris massacres. The following is a direct (and verified translation of her recorded words):
To counteract the radicalization we must go back to the situation such as the one in the Middle East in which not at the least the Palestinians sees that there is no future; we must either accept a desperate situation or resort to violence.– Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström in response to the terrorist attacks in Paris on 13 November 2015
Which makes the subsequent denial by the Swedish embassy in Israel look rather bizarre:
Swe FM has not said that Israeli Palestinian conflict is linked to tragic events in Paris. Sweden condemns all acts of terrorism.
— Sweden in Israel (@SwedeninIL) November 16, 2015
John Prescott, former UK cabinet member, writing in the Daily Mirror:
The final thing we can do is show Britain is committed to finding a lasting peace in all of the Middle East.
We cannot let the running sore of ill-feeling and bad blood between Israel and the Palestinian territories continue.
Both Israelis and Palestinians deserve to live together peacefully. That means putting pressure on both governments to strike that deal.
The best tribute to those who died in Paris is not to send troops and drones to “eviscerate” ISIS and Syria.
It is to channel that anger-fuelled energy to sue for a lasting peaceful solution across that region.
Martti Ahtisaari, former Finish president, Nobel Peace Prize winner as reported by Tundra Tabloids:
Former President, Nobel Peace Prize winner Martti Ahtisaari says that Europe must pay attention to the reasons of radicalisation more than it does. European countries must get work and education for youngsters. The Arab Spring did not actually start in Tunisia, but in the suburbs of Paris. Advancing the Middle East peace process is crucial as far as European security is concerned. The Syrian peace process would give people hope of returning home. The question of Israel and Palestine must also be solved. Ahtisaari says that youngsters have been radicalised in the Middle East partly because Palestinians have been treated badly.
The Fatah party of Mahmoud Abbas went in a slightly different direction, not quite blaming Israel as a source of inspiration for the ISIS terrorists but actually directly claiming Israel planned and carried out the attacks.
Jan Marijnissen, Chairman of the Dutch Socialist Party (Breitbart Jerusalem)
“The [terrorists’] behaviour eventually is connected also to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict,” said Marijnissen in an interview with the Dutch NPO Radio1 on Monday. He further asserted that the situation in Israel “is the growth medium for such an attack.”
Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson, Iceland’s former Foreign Minister interviewed on an Icelandic radio station and urged people to pray not only for Paris but also for Palestinians killed in the territories. (Breitbart Jerusalem again)
“Let us pray for the sake of Paris, but let’s not just pray for her. Let us pray for the world,” said Hannibalsson. “Let us pray for Beirut, which was attacked by suicide bombers, even though it did not reach the media. Let us pray for the sake of Baghdad and what happened there. Let us pray for the Palestinians killed in the Occupied Territories.”
Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Former [Malaysian] prime minister (FrontpageMag)
Former [Malaysian] prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has blamed Israel for the deadly Paris attacks last night, saying that the creation of the Jewish state was the cause. The state of Israel was established in 1948 in the aftermath of a war with the Arabs.
“Before that, there were no such terrorist attacks anywhere, not even in the Middle East,” said Mahathir.
Dermot Ahern, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ireland (Talkofthetown)
Former Minister for Foreign Affairs and local TD Dermot Ahern has come under fire from the Irish4Israel group over comments made on RTÉ’s Claire Byrne Live show last night.
Mr Ahern, from Blackrock, said ISIS – the group responsible for the Paris attacks last Friday – had come about due to a lack of peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
He said: “A lot of this doesn’t come from the war in Iraq. It comes from the destabilising of the entire region because of the Israeli/Palestine issue and that has been the source of all the problems in that part of the world.”
Jack Linblad, of the Green Party of LA County Council (Independent)
A US Senate candidate has voiced his own theories on what he believes is real reason behind the brutal attacks in Paris last week, claiming that the killings were not the work of terrorists but of the US and Mossad in a bid to keep Israel’s current Prime Minister in power.
Speaking to PressTV, Jack Linblad, of the Green Party of LA County Council, claimed that the actions of the Kouachi brothersand Amedy Coulibaby, who collectively shot and killed 17 people in three separate and shocking attacks in Paris, were not acting on their extremist religious beliefs but were instead carrying out orders from the US and Mossad.
Address by South African President, President Jacob Zuma, to the Biennial National Conference of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, Johannesburg (link):
The organised attacks in Paris have brought sharp focus onto the problem of global terrorism. Our continent has also been hit hard with ongoing attacks in Nigeria, sporadic attacks in Kenya and this weekend with attacks in Mali and the Cameroon.
All these attacks wherever they occur, put the spotlight on the Middle East Peace Process.
It is difficult to imagine peace in the world without the achievement of peace in the Middle East.
Please feel free to give me links to new ones in the comments. These won’t be the only ones I’m sure.