I know what you’re thinking: What a fun blog to write! I get to scour social media for sexy Germans who love Israel! But it turned out to be more difficult task than I thought. Not because they don’t exist, but because some German Israel-lovers are scared to go on public record.
Once I made up a list, a few disappeared, with one having reconsidered because he’s applying for jobs. Apparently, employers will check out the Google footprint of prospective employees, and being pro-Israel in Deutschland might be a red-flag for some industries.
So what makes these men truly sexy is that they’re unafraid to voice their simple truth out loud in an oft conformist society. With someone for every type – from the dark-haired son of immigrants to the stereotypical blonde-hair/blue-eye native – these hunks give the modern German man a good name.
Whether unlabeled, on the left, right, or somewhere in-between, they openly fight Israel-hating “Deutschebags” (like this very unsexy, Hamas-hearting German Muslim convert Martin Lejeune), and that makes them Herculean. Feast your heart, mind and body (in ABC order by first name):
1. Andreas Boldt
As founder of the Israel-German Friendship Facebook page, nearing 30,000 members, Andreas is a lighting “boldt” of Israel activism in Israel. Do not get into an argument with him – he will either conquer you with his charm (if you deserve it), or snap back with factual arguments only reality-escaping Deutschebags can deny. Not a week goes by without him taking time from his job in the automotive industry to advertise, like a model, some sort of Israeli product, invention, or idea. If love of Israel counts for sexiness, then this man makes hunks like Henry Cavill, Chris Pine, Tom Bradley (or whatever your pleasure) look like average Joes.
German support for Israel, he said, should be based on common values – not guilt.
“Israelis ask me everyday: ‘Why do you support us so much?’ I answer: ‘You love life. You love human rights. Your children grow up in freedom. You’re creative. You respect animal rights.’ But the answer is really much more simple: ‘How can I not support beautiful people like you?’”
3. Georgi Ambarzumjan
This Armenian-German lawyer and hobbyist actor once played a Nazi in a documentary – strangely, since his thick, curly black hair doesn’t lend to the stereotypical Nazi mien. In life, he’s more like another character he played: a Jewish law clerk who gets thrown out of a courthouse by the SS.
During an anti-Israel protest in Frankfurt against Operation Protective Edge, he noticed a group of migrants and Left-wing autochthons holding a pro-Palestinian sign with an “X” over the Magen David and besieging an elderly Jewish lady. He came to her physical and intellectual defense.
“In my opinion, a pro-Israel stance is always also a pro-Palestinian stance since neither Fatah, Hamas nor other Arab authorities or countries were able to provide basic human rights and an adequate treatment for the Palestinian people,” said the 29-year-old, who also looks up to the Jewish people for having similar struggles as his own people, the Armenians.
He visited Israel for the first time last year, where he spent time in the Armenian quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City. And he put his acting skills to use when he smuggled himself onto the Temple Mount posing as a Muslim. Sexy.
4. Maximilian Both
Raised in Hamburg, this 28-year-old law student is head of the DIG branch in Leipzig, the Saxon city where Bach lived and worked and where today Maximillian organizes talks and events about Israel beyond just dry politics. He describes his most heroic moments as “being a pain in the neck and a bloody nuisance at student parties” for often coming to Israel’s intellectual defense. He hopes to make his fifth trip to Israel very soon.
“Germans are used to a relatively calm and peaceful political environment; therefore, they often fail to understand the pressure on Israel and the gravity of decision-making in the Middle East, in the perhaps most unstable region in the world,” Booth said of the media bias the triggered his activism.
“From my point of view there is also another important factor: Germans see Israel as omnipotent and tend to overestimate the influence that Israel has and the impact of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the crises of the Middle East. Hence the expectation of Israel to solve the conflicts in the region are much higher as they would be under other circumstances. And let’s face it: antisemitism is still a thing – Israel is being held accountable for things for which other countries are not.”
5. Simon Akstinat
With bright blue eyes and a shaved head that just begs to be caressed (or to be graced with a kippah), Simon is an editor at the newly-founded Judische Rundschau (Jewish Review), the most pro-Israel newspaper in the country that provides a “safe space” for Jews and non-Jews alike to share pro-Israel ideas without fear of being attacked. He said most Germans will rarely read English articles, so part of his mission involves translating articles into German (as well as Bibi’s famous UN speeches) that offer fresh perspectives at a time when the mainstream German media routinely portrays Israel as an aggressor in a land of conflict.
He first got turned into Israel when he met Israelis trekking in Peru and fell even more in love when he visited Israel to see his new friends. With a flair for the sexy, he authored Jewish Girls in Uniform which gave him special access to IDF bases.
“Just go to Israel and then go to Jordan and Egypt,” he said. “Where do you feel more comfortable as a Westerner? Israeli is the only country in the region where, as a European, you feel like you could belong.”
6. Stephan Fichtner
At a memorial for the three teens murdered by Hamas — Gilad, Naftali, and Eyal — held in Frankfurt in 2014, Stephan, who grew-up in a pro-Israel family, decided he must do more to fight anti-Semitism in Germany. Thereafter, he became a founding member of the Young Professional Forum of DIG in Frankfurt. His branch went from six members in 2014 to 40 members today. Together, they organize events, run the Facebook page and strut their blue-and-white stuff at city events and festivals to offer a truthful portrait of Israel.
“From my point of view, people either don’t know Israel, which means they simply do not care, or they hate it or they absolutely love it,” said the 26-year-old. “The perceptions are equally extreme. When people do not care, they tend to feel bothered if you want to talk about the Middle East conflict, but most of them don’t hate Israel. They have no feelings towards the Jewish state.”
Overall, though, he notices German media lends a negative image. “This presence of the conflict in the media is something that has to change or folks won’t stop thinking of Israel as something bad, as something one shouldn’t talk about.”
7. Tilman Tarach
It always bothered Tilman how disproportionately Israel is criticized; he simply saw it as another phenomenon Germany knows too well: scapegoating Jews. This Berlin-based lawyer and jurist, once dubbed the “Alan Dershowitz of Germany”, took it upon himself to share “the case for Israel” in his German cult classic: The Eternal Scapegoat, now in its 5th edition.
He compares the typical, well-intentioned German anti-Zionist to an “abusive father” hitting a child for his “own good” whenever they lecture Israel, claiming special “responsibility” for Israel’s “behavior.”
“The Europeans, the Israel-haters especially and the cultural relativists have a special view on the Muslims in general and the Palestinians in particular, and it’s actually a racist, colonial view which puts them under special ‘cultural protection’, like an endangered species, so you can’t critique them or treat as you would every other people.”
But what’s most sexy about Tilman is his Jew-fro, especially since he’s not Jewish. But he wears those locks like a true patriot!
Can’t get enough of sexy pro-Israel hunks? Check out my “Sexiest Settlers” list, co-written with Zehava Englard. The only thing these Germans don’t have on these sexy Settlers is that they’re not in uniform (unless that’s a good thing.)