Today, Luke Baker of Reuters, who we can safely say is not a fan of Israel, tweeted this:
The now deleted tweet
— Dani Dayan (@AmbDaniDayan) May 9, 2017
He subsequently deleted the tweet, admitting it was poorly worded.
Note he stopped short of apologizing.
He later apologized to Dani Dayan, Israel’s Consul General in New York, who took issue with the tweet.
Dani seemed to accept it was a case of poor wording.
After speaking with @LukeReuters about his unfortunate tweet, I am convinced now it was a case of a badly worded tweet with no malice.
— Dani Dayan (@AmbDaniDayan) May 9, 2017
You be the judge. Usually Baker stands by his poorly worded, Israel-bashing tweets, so I would be inclined to believe him here. Although I also believe he is so biased against Israel, he personally does believe Israel’s founding is Nakba Day.