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Aussie Dave has already pointed out the absurdity of the London Police following the IHRC guidelines allowing Hezbollah flags as long as protesters do so “to show support for the political wing of Hizbullah. This is because the political wing of Hizbullah is not a proscribed organisation.” [sic]

During the march, some protesters terror supporters, tried to follow these guidelines. Since there is no flag for the political wing, they resorted to placing stickers on their flags saying “this flag is to show my support for the political wing of Hezbollah.”

Not only is such a distinction foreign from Hezbollah’s own operating structure and statements, but it is a distinction that would not be acceptable for a terror group that didn’t specifically target Jews. There was an uproar recently as it was revealed that at least one of the recent London terrorists openly waved the ISIS flag in a tv documentary. But that outrage was apparently short-lived as thousands of people were then given the go-ahead to march with the flag of another genocidal terrorist organization on Al Quds Day.

But in keeping with the Judean People’s Front’s commitment to bringing levity to otherwise horrible situations, we decided to try to have some fun with this rampant display of hypocrisy to drive home just how ludicrous this really is:

We’re sure this would be normal at a neo-Nazi rally, right?

Maybe it’s time for the Klan to insist people take its “political wing” seriously…

Regardless, we’re sure Hezbollah’s patron’s in Tehran are getting their best laugh since they got the US to sign their nuclear deal.

And it’s only a matter of time before ISIS copies this strategy:

About the author

Picture of Judean Peoples Front

Judean Peoples Front

The Judean People’s Front is on the front-lines against the hated Romans and BDS, fighting lies and misinformation with facts and humor (allegedly). I’m not a Roman mum. I’m a Jew, a Yid. I’m Kosher mum. I’m a Red Sea Pedestrian and proud of it!
Picture of Judean Peoples Front

Judean Peoples Front

The Judean People’s Front is on the front-lines against the hated Romans and BDS, fighting lies and misinformation with facts and humor (allegedly). I’m not a Roman mum. I’m a Jew, a Yid. I’m Kosher mum. I’m a Red Sea Pedestrian and proud of it!
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