Newsflash: The worst US President in history, Jimmy “Peanut” Carter, is still alive.
Former US president Jimmy Carter said he doesn’t think Israeli-Palestinian peace is possible as long as Benjamin Netanyahu is prime minister, since Netanyahu isn’t interested in peace.
The 94-year-old, who is currently on a trip to Israel marking 40 years since the signing of the Israel-Egypt peace accord he brokered, said he’s “not sure” Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas wants an agreement either.
Nothing new here. Carter has been claiming for years that PM Netanyahu is not interested in peace…but that Hamas is. The dude’s deluded.
Although, he did say something surprising in that it is true and I agree with it:
“Sadat was very courageous, he gave his life to an assassin as you know, and prime minister Begin was the most courageous of all, because he made the most difficult concessions in Camp David to reach an ultimate agreement,” he said.