It would seem that unhinged Jew-hater Ariyana Love has it in for me, publishing on Facebook within the last 24 hours three posts about me (as well as numerous comments to her own posts)
(Not-so) Dear Ariyana,
Let me be very clear (imagine me talking very slowly, since you seem to have a hard time with reading and comprehension).
- I never claimed you support “expulsion.” You liked a comment about “extermination.”
- I have not worked for SAP Labs Israel in almost a year. I am self-employed – in fact you see this blog? This is my full-time gig. Which means I have more time than ever to expose vile scum like you.
- Everything I have ever written about you is true. Please, please, please try suing me.
- I am not afraid of you or your fellow Jew-haters and your threats just encourage me to continue exposing the pernicious antisemitism of you and your loser ilk.
- I will CONTINUE exposing your antisemitism and have my readers report you to the Finnish authorities pursuant to hate crime legislation. I will also now report your calls to anonymous to somehow harm me.
- I am going to sue YOU for libel.