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Richard Silverstein Uses Antisemitic Imagery To Describe Israel’s Prime Minister

I really have to stop calling evil buffoon Richard Silverstein an anti-Israel DouchebloggerTM and refer to him as an antisemitic Doucheblogger.TM He’s been associating with antisemites and using antisemitic language for quite a while now. Here’s the latest example from just today:

Comparing Jews to reptiles has a long, sordid history, dating back to Nazi propaganda posters that employed this antisemitic trope to indicate that Jews are cunning and untrustworthy:

By noting that PM Bennett looks “reptilian,” Silverstein is doing just this: suggesting he is cunning and untrustworthy. In fact, he calls the PM a liar in the very next tweet:

Antisemite David Icke took things to the next level with his conspiracy theory (endorsed by author Alice Walker) that “tall, blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system are the force behind a worldwide conspiracy against humanity. Naturally, the Rothschilds feature in this conspiracy theory. It could be argued, that the roots of this theory go back to the second half of the 19th century, and rely heavily on the idea of the Jew as the outsider.

Silverstein knows about all of this; he wrote the following in 2019:

This issue has come to a head recently regarding the controversy over Alice Walker’s endorsement of a book written by noted anti-Semite, David Icke.  It grieves me that a number of pro-Palestine activists have mounted the barricades to defend Walker’s views, which are poorly informed at best. 

Yet Silverstein employs this very language of the reptilian Jew, likely because he knows he can lean on his Jewish surname to defend against any accusations that he is also an antisemite.

And let’s not forget, Silverstein has colluded with an antisemite with a penchant for using the same imagery, in order to try harm me

Update: Just saying.

And no, I am not suggesting the resemblance because he is cunning (he’s a dumbass). It is purely due to the physical similarity, especially his wonky eyes.

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