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Another Example of How Israel-Supporters Differ From The Israel-Haters

We’ve seen it before: someone shows their support for Israel and the haters boycott their business and implore others to do so.

And it just happened again, this time to the Tamar Juice Bar in Brookyln.

And once again, those on the right side of history came in droves to support them.

The Jewish community has flooded a Brooklyn juice bar with orders after pro-Palestinian activists began boycotting the establishment over a co-owner’s social media posts supporting Israel. 

Tamar Juice Bar in Bedford-Stuyvesant was flooded with hate after co-owner Reut Levi shared an Instagram post slamming singer Bjork for sharing misinformation about the Middle East conflict.

The next day, a nearby coffee shop’s employee saw Levi’s post and blasted the juice bar owner for “promoting racism and [supporting] genocide,” while encouraging her followers to boycott.

“In a matter of minutes, all my Instagram was Palestine flags,” Levi, who in June opened the storefront with her fellow Israeli, Michal Mualem, told The Post.  

Within hours, the virtual pushback came to the shop’s front door, as people arrived to record videos and urge passersby to stay away — prompting Levi to lock herself inside and call the police.

She quickly stripped her store walls of any decor showcasing the Israeli backgrounds of her and Mualem

“The first two days, I was scared,” Levi said, explaining people were continuing to tag the Bat Yam native in Instagram posts and urging their followers to avoid the “white Zionist-owned business.”

Recently, she discovered her eatery had been added to a Google Map titled “Zionist Restaurant – NYC.” 

“I tried to bring something good, I gave so much effort to people and then in one day, they just erase you,” she said. 

The juice bar’s usual clientele all but disappeared amid the clamor, but Jews quickly turned out to keep the business going.  

Truly heartwarming. And while the Israel-haters tend to be the same people who deride and deplore the police, scare school children, and would love all Jews to be homeless, this is those who support Israel, folks:

Rabbi Yossi Eliav, director of Chabad of Clinton Hill and Pratt University, swung through to purchase 10 orange juices for officers at the 79th Precinct and recorded his own social media video to spread the word about aiding Levi amid the boycott. 

Orders soon rushed from as far as Texas and California for juices and smoothies, tripling daily. Levi delivered the items to the local precinct, a nearby school, and a homeless shelter.

I am truly proud to stand with those who represent the best of humanity and against those who represent the dregs.

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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