Remember how before the events of October 7, the palestinian Arabs and their enablers were telling the world how Israel had strangled Gaza to the point of it being like a “concentration camp” and “open air prison”?
They seem to have either not gotten the memo or thrown the memo out the door:

This is a Palestinian home before and after Israel’s devastating assault on the Gaza Strip.
— PALESTINE ONLINE 🇵🇸 (@OnlinePalEng) January 11, 2024

Of course, some like Twitter user Imshin, with her TheGazaYouDontSee series (but also to a lesser extent yours truly with my “Concentration Camp Gaza” series) have been telling you this for years.
But these haters don’t care. They know their lies will for the most part either go unnoticed or be willfully ignored by an audience more than willing to believe the worst lies about the Jews and their state.