Self-important windbag Richard Silverstein wants everyone to know that the Mumbai terrorists – who went out of their way to find the Jewish Chabad House and murder Jews (in a city comprising approximately 18 million people, of which about 5,000 are Jews) – were not anti-Semitic.
And he knows this because the terrorists never said even one anti-Semitic word.
In the Forward, an Indian who spoke for hours with the Chabad House terrorist never indicated in his report that anti-Semitic words were spoken to him.
Somehow, the fact that the terrorists may never have said “kikes” to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Holtzberg and the other Jewish victims as they murdered them in cold blood is hardly compelling evidence of the absence of anti-Semitic intent. Then again, the fact that Silverstein has a blog and claims to know what he is talking about is not compelling evidence of the presence of intellect.
If you don’t believe me, read his post, which includes the words “Jewish jihadis” and a comparison between the Mumbai terrorists and the “Hebron pogromists” (his words – not mine – for the more violent of the Jewish residents of Hebron who despite their terrible actions have not murdered anyone).
Update: A previously undetected picture of Silverstein sans beard. It looks like it was taken while he was sitting on the toilet. Or coming up with his next blog post.