In one of his recent anti-Israel posts, DouchebloggerTM Richard Silverstein shows his utter ignorance.
The 2nd day of Rosh HaShana in Israel is not a holy day at all. And you must not be religious or you would recognize that fact. In the Diaspora, the second day is celebrated as a chag, but not Israel. If you require an explanation of the halacha around this I’d be happy to oblige. So I’m afraid yr friends sold you a bill of goods on that one.
Rosh Hashanah is a two-day holiday, whether in Israel or in the Diaspora. Silverstein has clearly mixed it up with the “holiday” days of other Jewish festivals such as Succot and Passover, which are celebrated for two days in the Diaspora but only one day in Israel.
It is the kind of mistake you expect from someone completely ignorant about Judaism, not someone who claims to be knowledgable on the subject as El Doucherino does.