Anti-Israel blogger Richard Silverstein today tweeted the following, as part of his war against the Jewish state.
Images of mistarvim, undercover cops provoking violence at peaceful demos against Bedouin expulsions
— Tikun Olam (@richards1052) December 2, 2013
He is referring to current demos against the Prawer plan.
Leaving aside the fact the correct term is Mista’arvim, that very image was posted over two years ago (hat tip: Adi)
(Not that it provides any proof they are Israeli undercover cops. And note the fire in the background of one of the photos – peaceful demo, eh?)
So unless the undercover cops got hold of a DeLorean DMC-12 designed by Chief Mossad scientist Doc Brown, and traveled back a few years, the DouchebloggerTM has once again been caught red-handed posting false things. No doubt another indication he will post anything that suits his anti-Israel narrative, without doing any kind of due diligence.
One more for the list.