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Research has shown that 15% of French, 7% of British and 4% of Germans support radical Islam. Meanwhile, the US will not even say the words.

Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper sounds like a real leader of the Free World on the day after attack in Paris, France.

Stephen Harper got the red carpet treatment on his visit to Israel.

Now he should receive our resounding applause and support for his stand against terror.

Thanks,  @TeachESL loved this video.

About the author

Picture of Real Jstreets

Real Jstreets

I lived in the United States, Canada and Australia before moving to Israel in the midst of the Second Lebanon War. For the last ten years, walking the streets of Jerusalem, the scenes I saw every day did not resemble the ones familiar in the Western media. Now I try to share those positive images with the world, what is really happening in Jerusalem, Israel, The Real Jerusalem Streets
Picture of Real Jstreets

Real Jstreets

I lived in the United States, Canada and Australia before moving to Israel in the midst of the Second Lebanon War. For the last ten years, walking the streets of Jerusalem, the scenes I saw every day did not resemble the ones familiar in the Western media. Now I try to share those positive images with the world, what is really happening in Jerusalem, Israel, The Real Jerusalem Streets
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