Some more responses from companies whose logos appear on the business website of anti-Zionist-not-antisemite Saskia Whitfield:
Prostate Cancer UK:
Feedback <[email protected]>
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your email and for bringing this to our attention. I would like to confirm that we have never had any contact with this person and a member of the relevant team will be in touch asking her to remove our logo from her website.
With kind regards,
Thank you so much for reaching out to us and bringing this to our attention. When we received your email our team took immediate action. Though not a direct contractor for IFAW, we are reaching out to any of our past agencies or partners who may have contracted the services of this individual. We would never under any circumstances employ, contract, or accept anyone on our team or associated network of teams using that type of hate speech. We are an open and inclusive, global community of staff and we take that very seriously.
We are also reaching out to ensure that our logo is removed from her website as it cannot be used by any person or organization without express approval of IFAW—which she clearly did not do and would never have received. The use of an old logo makes us believe this originated in the somewhat distant past, but regardless, we are taking actions to have it taken down and ensure our vendors are aware.
I thank you again for reaching out and commit our ongoing support.
Warmest regards,
Rodger Correa
Director, US Communications
The Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award:
We have not had any direct dealing with this individual. It is possible that she worked as a freelancer for an agency we used over 12 years ago.
We have contacted her and requested that she removes reference to the DofE from her website.
Thank you for drawing this to our attention.
Kind regards,
Rachel Dickerson Communications Executive
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Hate speech and xenophobia of any kind, including antisemitism, are completely against Oxfam’s values and code of conduct (file:///C:/Users/athomas2/Downloads/OxfamGBCodeofConductNonStaff102017.pdf item 2).
Saskia Whitfield is not an Oxfam employee and she isn’t freelancing for us so we are not in a position to take actions against her. But I have forwarded your email to the relevant department should a possibility of working with her arise in the future.
Kind regards,
Larisa Kuznetsova
Shop Support Team Oxfam GB
Her clients page is soon going to look rather empty methinks.
Previously on Israellycool:
Another of Saskia Whitfield’s Previous Clients Repulsed by her Antisemitism