Rock’n’roll BDS-hole Roger Waters has posted the following on Facebook
Surely you noticed what I did.
Along with Pitingo, it features performances by vocalists Gustavo Cerati, Pedro Aznar and Shakira, and also Eric Clapton, Gerry Leonard, David Mansfield, (guitars) Steve Gadd (drums), Caro Baptista (percussion), Deborah Resto, Doris Eugenio, and Sophia Ramos (backing vocals), Lorraine Cohen (trumpet), Emily Hope Price (cello) and Hagai Izraeli who plays the hauntingly beautiful conch shell in D maj in the intro. God knows what’s happened to those kids, we made this in 2012. So by now they must be????
Clearly Hagai Izraeli was – as his surname suggests – made in Israel. So it seems Roger cannot even do the boycotting thing properly himself.
And although judging from his Facebook wall, Hagai is a Bernie Sanders fan and probably shares other views in common with Waters, he has also posted things that would drive Waters to drink..ehh, more.