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Foodbenders Owner Backtracks, Now Claims Some Zionists ARE Welcome

It would seem that Kimberley Hawkins of Foodbenders is cracking.

There’s the media coverage, the companies severing ties with her (so far Uber Eats and Ritual Technologies), the Premier of Ontario Doug Ford weighing in, and now the city of Toronto being asked to investigate them. I am guessing all of this is having an effect, despite her earlier “screw them all” attitude.

Here is what she recently posted.

Criticizing the Israeli zionist state occupation or the police isn’t a hate crime. Nor is it antiSemetic to say that zionist journalists in Toronto and now Israel have written slander fake news pieces about me to present me as racist, for the sole reason of silencing me on Palestine. They are controlling the narrative of my story and they are lying.

Once again, Jews are very welcome to shop with us, zionists may also shop if they can do so without insisting they’re right to a homeland justifies killing other people. When a zionist tells us Palestinians should be murdered, something that happens all day long, we ask them to leave because THAT is hate speech.

I wonder if the City or the Police will be investigating the hundreds of Islamophobic death and deportation threats or the daily in person acts of vandalism and violence my teenage daughter and I are living through. Doubt it.


She has changed her tune from “Zionist not welcome” to “only those Zionists who come into the shop and start saying that palestinians should be murdered not welcome.”

Which I am guessing has never happened.

Hawkins seems to be cracking and trying to avoid further repercussions against her already suffering business.

Note also how she claims it is not antiSemetic (sic) to say that “zionist journalists in Toronto and now Israel have written slander fake news pieces about me to present me as racist, for the sole reason of silencing me on Palestine.” This is not true. Let us see her successfully sue anyone for the reporting about her.

And it ignores the really antisemitic thing she did say.

So keep backtracking, Kim Hawkins. It is your antisemitism that is not welcome, and you are now paying the price for it.

Update: She has now deleted the post.

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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