Professor Hatem Bazian, is many things, including the Chairman of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), an antisemite, and a terror supporter.
One thing he isn’t is a Jew. But he has been caught impersonating one on Twitter.

In case it is not clear, it seems old Hatem operates at least one “sock puppet” Twitter account (like fellow Jew-hater Kamran Hussain, for example) and he either forgot to log out of his regular account before tweeting this, or otherwise forgot which account he was using.
And it seems he is not alone in pretending to be Jewish on Twitter in order to demonize the Jewish state:
Although some of them slightly modified the text so their tweets didn't show up on my original search (some further examples shown below, including another person who appears to have forgotten to switch accounts).
— 🇮🇱🎗️EinLi Eretz Aheret #JusticeforMalkiRoth🤘 (@EnLiEretzAheret) May 13, 2023
And what was Hatem’s response after getting caught?

Talk about avoiding the topic.
Which is a shame. I was looking forward to hearing his excuse. They are usually real doozies!