BBC Watch has an excellent post about yet another vile piece of Jew hating crap on the BBC’s “learning zone”.
Apparently, unbeknownst to almost every military historian ever, the Yom Kippur war started when Egypt and Syria both detected a super secret Israeli plan to pre-emptively strike both these huge countries and drive tanks to Cairo and Damascus. Israel was obviously planning to do this the day after Yom Kippur because most of it’s army was either at home or in synagogue.
OK BBC. PONY UP. What secret evidence do YOU have indicating Israel was about to march to Cairo or Damascus in 1973 on their most religious holiday while 80% of the army was at home or in synagogue? Go ahead, we’re waiting.
As any non Jew hating person with even a modicum of historical knowledge (obviously that rules out the editors of the BBC Website) knows, the only Israeli thing pre-emptive about the 1973 Yom Kippur war was the action Golda Meir did NOT take. She did not order an air strike against obviously dangerous build ups of Egyptian and Syrian armour. It turns out this would have probably failed because of the vastly improved air defences these nations had (from the Soviets) since their abysmal air performance in 1967.
And lets not go into the fact the unbiased sources the BBC uses are Robert Fisk and Noam Chomsky. Oy vey.
Hey BBC…..