Huffington Post has published a photo essay entitled 29 Photos That Put All Of Our Struggles In Perspective.
At number 11 with a bullet is..Shirley Temper (having already appeared in a similar photo essay on BuzzFeed).
And at number 8…
Elder of Ziyon writes:
Right now, HuffPo has a photo essay of “29 Photos That Put All Of Our Struggles In Perspective”. Naturally, two of them are of Palestinian Arab kids – and both are Pallywood. (The second is Shirley Temper.)
The first commenter links to a video I have showing the same Arab kids playing for the camera. As a result, hundreds of HuffPo readers are seeing the truth – a drop in the bucket compared to the number of FB Likes, but still.
If it would be comment #350, no one would be seeing it.
Since someone has already linked to Elder’s post about the crying boy, I ask all of those who can comment on Huffington post to please link to any of our posts dealing with Shirley Temper, such as: