A few days ago, the Israel-haters over at Electronic Intifada claimed the Rolling Stones: Boycott Israel FB Page – which I demonstrated contained antisemitism – was a hoax perpetrated by Zionists. They even accused me of promoting it.
Their proof? Well they had none. They mentioned the facts the page creator has made false claims (like it has been endorsed by The Electronic Intifada), the BDS Movement has made no mention of the campaign, and there has been no known BDS activists calling the Stones to boycott Israel.
Unfortunately, Jewish publications such as the JTA blindly followed the Electronic Intifada lead, parroting their arguments without offering any proof themselves.
Harrassment Tactics
Meanwhile, anti-Israel “activists” conducted a nasty campaign against me on Twitter. One anonymous person set up a Twitter account impersonating mine (in violation of Twitter terms of use), with an almost identical handle, which he or she used to tweet anti-Israel propaganda.
My objections to the fake account elicited the following reaction from Israel hater Joe Catron of the Electronic Intifada
@Israellycool @IsraeIIycooI Do you need somebody to call whine-one-one? pic.twitter.com/IhMB7pW4eJ
— Joe Catron (@jncatron) February 15, 2014
He also retweeted some of the impersonator’s tweets.
And engaged in some nasty tweeting.
@Israellycool I’m making fun of one of the dumbest, whiniest Zionists I’ve encountered yet. Not much more to it than that.
— Joe Catron (@jncatron) February 15, 2014
While I suspect he might be the person behind the fake account – given his harassment began at around the same time – I do not have proof and so will not make that charge. However, I am taking this impersonation account up with Twitter, and am hoping they will find out who is behind it.
And Catron was not alone with the vitriol.
@Israellycool Forgive the ad hom attack but you are the stupidest Zionist troll I have encountered yet
— Karen MacRae (@kazahann) February 15, 2014
So in other words, hot on the heels of a piece of spin designed to show that BDSHoles are not nasty people who could be behind a FB group featuring antisemitic and otherwise nasty posts, they engage in these nasty and dirty tactics to silence me.
Gee, do I feel stupid.
Back To The Original Hoax Claim
The Electronic Intifada article argues 1) no-one from the official BDS Movement set up the page and 2) whoever set up the page lied. Neither proves that a pro-Israel person set up the page to discredit the BDSHoles. In fact, point 2) indicates to me it likely was a BDSHole, given their track record in lying. Electronic Intifada would need to provide proof as to the identity of whoever created the page.
But let’s imagine for a second that they are correct (which I do not believe they are). This would render this antisemitic post fake, as well as those expressing the desire for Israel to be destroyed.
But what about Greta Berlin’s antisemitic shenanigans?
And the list goes on and on.
Are they all Zionist plants?
As for the desire for Israel to be destroyed, isn’t it already obvious this is what the BDS movement is about? We have plenty of examples, and even Israel hater Norman Finkelstein sees it.
Zionist plants?
I guess this commenter on the FB page is also one.
As is this one.
So there you have it. The Electronic Intifada failed to prove the Rolling Stones: Boycott Israel FB Page is a hoax/Zionist plant. But the comments and tactics of the Israel haters in the light of all of this does show the antisemitism and nastiness endemic to their movement.