Your turn BBC. This is Al Jazeera admitting a mistake.
“Palestinian shot dead after fatal stabbing in Jerusalem; 2 Israeli victims also killed.”
Many people in our audience have pointed out that the tweet appears to minimise the killings of the Israeli victims and leaves out the context that the Palestinian man was their attacker.
This criticism is valid and we regret the wording of a tweet written under the pressure of breaking news. The story on the site was briefly headlined with similar wording, which we amended in an update.
Al Jazeera depends on accurate reporting and strives to promptly correct all errors of fact and misjudgements in tone.
We are committed to accountability and transparency and are grateful for this feedback.
We encourage our audience and others to identify and report our mistakes.
Also note that the Israel’s Press Office is calling the BBC to account.
“There is a limit to the lack of objectivity in press coverage, and this time we are talking about an outrageous title which reminds one of the headline given by the CNN TV station after the slaughter at the synagogue in Har Nof, which introduced the attack as ‘an attack on an Israeli mosque,'” said Hen Saturday night, referring to a series of equally shocking headlines given by the American news network in its coverage of that deadly attack.
“While the BBC corrected its title later this evening, tomorrow I intend to reprimand the head of their office in Israel and to warn him directly that we do not intend to let this pass unchallenged,” Hen added.