It pains me to admit it, but the situation us Israelis find ourselves in is in no small part due to our own actions.
For example, when the palestinians are on the political ropes, we have some of our own leaders undermining our position, wanting to pick them up off the canvas. Like opposition leader Isaac ‘Bougie’ Herzog.
Opposition chairman Isaac Herzog called on US President Donald Trump to make an overture to the Palestinians Saturday, saying that they should be induced to return to talks rather than threatened.
In an interview with The Times of Israel prior to returning home from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Herzog said he didn’t believe in “pushing the Palestinians into a corner,” rebuking the tactics adopted by Trump and backed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that has led Ramallah to boycott US peace efforts.
“After many sticks, it is time for some carrots too,” he said.
Herzog said he recognized Trump’s frustration over the PA’s refusal to meet with US Vice President Mike Pence and added that he was appalled by Abbas’s “totally unacceptable” speech in front of the Palestinian National Council earlier this month, in which he denied Israel’s connection to Jerusalem. “But at the end of the day, we are the ones that have to live with each other.”
“Cutting their budget may adversely affect the situation and throw the Palestinians into poverty and create more conflict,” the opposition chairman and former Labor party head argued.
Herzog clearly does not understand the Arab mentality of seeing compromise as a sign of weakness. And it is unbelievable to me he would be aware of Abbas’ recent (antisemitic) speech, yet still think the root of the conflict is related to poverty.
It is hard to believe this carrot apple fell from this tree:
When I think of the palestinians and carrots, this is the image that comes to mind:
Well, that and the greenhouses they destroyed when we left Gush Katif.
So sorry, Bougie. You know what you can do with that carrot of yours.