It’s official. Shashi Naidoo may now think Gaza is the world’s largest open air prison, but the inside of her head probably contains even more air.
Naidoo gave an interview after returning to South Africa following her ban from entering Israel, and let’s just say she does not seem like the sharpest tool in the shed (but a tool, nonetheless).
“Highlights” include:
- “After going there and seeing everything you see, you can’t unsee that”. Yes, except you did not even actually see anything BECAUSE YOU WERE BANNED FROM ENTERING!!
- Admitting she was warned before the trip that she would not be allowed to enter – yet still went and even dragged her mother along!
- “All palestinian borders are controlled by Israeli authorities or military.” What is Egypt (which controls Gaza’s southern border) – chopped liver?
- Speaking of the palestinians in a Jordanian refugee camp having one square foot to sleep. Which is patently false and ridiculous – unless you are about one foot tall.
- Admitting she now supports BDS and claiming people had told her it is a “terrorist organization” (this is also not true; she was told it is antisemitic, not terrorist)
And the stupidity does not end there.
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- Gaza is not even close to being a concentration camp, and the comparison is offensive
- There are not over 6 million palestinian refugees. Even UNRWA, which employs a ridiculously expansive definition of refugee to include descendants of those whose “normal place of residence was Palestine during the period 1 June 1946 to 15 May 1948,” counts them at about 5 million.