Former UK Labour Parliamentary Candidate John Clarke Up To His Old Antisemitic Tricks David Lange December 30, 2019
Flip-Flop: Hugh Grant Campaigns for Labour Candidate Who Defended Corbyn’s Terrorist Wreath-Laying David Lange December 5, 2019
Actor Hugh Grant Attacks Labour Over Antisemitism, Backs Jewish Liberal Democrat Candidate Luciana Berger David Lange December 3, 2019
New Labour Antisemitism Scandal as Israel-Hating Freaks Sing Genocidal Song David Lange November 12, 2019
WATCH: Jewish Students Rips Chris Williamson, Labour MP Suspended Over Antisemitism Allegations David Lange October 13, 2019
Where Even Israel Hater and Corbyn Ally Billy Bragg Thinks UK Labor Has Antisemitism Problem David Lange July 7, 2019
Another Libel Shared By a Labour MP: The Case of Blinded Boy Hassan Tamimi David Lange April 23, 2019
Luciana Berger, Victim of Corbyn Labour Party Antisemitism, Gives Birth to an Instant Zionist David Lange March 14, 2019
Member of Group That Mocks Judaism & Calls for Israel’s Destruction to Give Antisemitism Training to Labour Branch David Lange October 18, 2018