An Israel hater by the name of Younes Arar has posted about his friend Saskia Whitfield – who I outed as an antisemite on this blog – and who has found the going tough since then as readers have contacted organizations she claimed were clients of hers.
Just to be very clear: I have called her an antisemite based on her own posts, which clearly fall under ever definition of antisemitism there is. These included one in which she made clear her wish that more Jews would die from the coronavirus.
Whitfield herself has joined in the comments to the post, claiming that her old clients are jumping on board the “Palestine” train:
But as I have shown, client after client are either repudiating her vile views, or claiming they have never heard of her. In fact, since my last post on the subject, more have joined the chorus:
Like Woodland Trust:
From: [email protected]
Date: Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: Your contractor Saskia Whitfield is posting racist hate speech on social mediaThank you for your email, and for bringing this matter to our attention.
We’d like to stress that we do not share the views that have been posted, and that Saskia is not one of our freelancers.
We believe we commissioned some work from her 10-15 years ago, but have not used her again since. Even without her Facebook posts it’s not reasonable to continue using our logo when we’re not a regular client, but given what’s happened on Facebook we definitely don’t want our brand linked to this. We’ll be contacting her today to request that our logo is removed.
and The Children’s Society:
Thank you for your helpful email to us here at The Children’s Society. Saskia Whitfield is not employed by us and has never worked for our organisation, but using our historic logo on her website. We are investigating currently and would ask you to leave it with us.
Kind regards
Tony Sparrow
Supporter Care Co-Ordinator
The Children’s Society
Based on the responses received so far, her past-or-present clients’ list looks more like this: have created an opportunity for me. I am in discussions with all my old clients who I haven’t spoken to for years, now they are learning about Palestine.
she is lying.
As she is when she claims Israellycool readers writing to her former clients “isn’t working”
By the way Saskia, you might just be an antisemite when…
other antisemites like Pamela Hardyment/Pam Arnold support you