As I have shown time and again, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is as Jewish as a ham sandwich. Their ignorance of Judaism is astounding, and I once exposed their Facebook page manager as being from Lebanon(!) I have also shown how they are on the same side as terrorists and even neo-Nazis.
As shocking as all of this is, their retweeting of the following tweet – clearly done to endorse the message, not oppose or mock it – almost defies belief:
This tweeter is calling for the annihilation of the Jewish people. A look at a later tweet of hers confirms this:
She is condoning the murder of Israeli Eliyahu David Kaye, murdered on his way to the Western Wall. This is clearly a person who hates “Zionists” to the point of genocide.
And JVP retweeted this.
I am guessing they deleted it after receiving pushback, but screenshots are forever.
Remember, JVP are the Jews that antisemites love to represent as their “best friends”. You know, of “Some of my best friends are Jewish” fame.
Heck, they even have some of these antisemites define antisemitism on their behalf.
If you find yourself on the same side as JVP, you find yourself on the wrong side of history. Because those who try to murder us and those who support them are always destined for the scrap bin.