The media has been filled with reports and videos of Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat as he ran to help stop a terror attack. Aussie Dave wrote on the Batman persona that has been spreading around the world.
This morning Nir Barkat looked more like Bruce Wayne as he sat ready to launch the 2015 Jerusalem Marathon.
The scene chosen this year for the official media launch of the Jerusalem Winner Marathon was on the grounds of the St Andrew’s Scottish Guesthouse.
With the Walls of the Old City in the background, the mayor spoke about the importance of sport and tourism to Jerusalem, Israel.
Barkat received his official marathon tee-shirt,
and a pair of matching New Balance shoes. Once again Barkat, who is a marathon runner, will be running in the half-marathon event. Can’t wait to see his new look running through the streets of Jerusalem.
Ironically, the perfect backdrop for the marathon launch is only meters away from this
stone memorial. On February 22, 2004, a terrorist blew up a bus here. Nir Barkat was one of the first people on the scene, and 11 years ago ran to help and saved a girl’s life. Eight people were killed in that explosion.
When asked about danger, Barkat spoke strongly against giving in to terror.
On March 13, 2015, the 5th Jerusalem Marathon is to run through the streets of Jerusalem with tens of thousands of participants from around the world. Thousands of dollars will be raised for charity in the various shorter runs. You do not need to be a hero or super hero to run. You can walk. Or come out and cheer on those who do run.
Stand up for truth and fight against terror, and we will all be winners. Today in New York City after ten years, a court ruling has given terror victims some very good news. A verdict against terror and the Palestinian Authority for $218 million! No amount of money can compensate for loss of life and loved ones, but a ruling for truth and against terror is a step for justice.